Monday, July 8, 2013

Mission Accomplished.

Hey guys. Kind of a different post today. I write this not as the official blogger of Lord of the Craft; as a Media Team member, or a member of the Guides. I write this as a player of Lord of the Craft.

I didn't come here to discuss all of the drama that has been happening recently; for that will just be adding coal to the fire. But I did really want to bring something to light here.

I speak about a particular person on this server. Some of you, including me, may have known him as ikeyman232, or LaTerre. To others, he was known as Hunwald, or oHawkZo.
To give you a rundown of what happened...

On August 12th, 2012, a player by the Minecraft name of ikeyman232 repeated history. He walked into the gates of Arethor, killing everyone he could see with absolutely no roleplay. This act, known as a "Pugsy", got him banned quite immediately.
Many were astonished to find that he committed the act, but what was done was done. LaTerre made several ban appeals shortly after the incident, but all were denied by the Administrator Urasept. Urasept denied him, saying that,

"Your staying banned Pugsy'ing is a one way trip. As since you did it once, your likely to do it again. As I said in your ban report, You sir walked your last dinosaur." - Urasept

This was the first great act of "Pugsying" since the original Pugsy went down into fame himself.

After so many ban appeals denied with strikes of dark lightning, many thought that ikeyman232 had given up.

"I made up a whole entire plan in my head, a vast plan. It was simple, really. I would no RP kill in Arethor, and get banned. When banned, I would wait a few weeks and then sneak myself onto the server on a different account."

But no.

LaTerre crafted a mission. He wanted to prove Urasept wrong, in stating that he would just pugsy again if he ever came back on. He wanted to prove to the members of Lord of the Craft that he could blend in and not break the rules again.
Using his friends account and a miraculously changed IP address, LaTerre slid his way back into the server, under the alias of Hunwald (or oHawkZo). There, he spent nearly a year roleplaying normally, without getting a single ban or strike report even filed against him. 

It wasn't until now, with all of these leaving posts, that Hunwald (LaTerre) came out about his true identity. 

"Hunwald is not dead. His story simply continues elsewhere, for he was never there."

He proved Urasept wrong; he proved the server wrong about what we think of him.

I just want this to open up our eyes a bit about how we regulate rules. Hunwald did something amazing, just to prove a point. Let us remember him for what he did.

To LaTerre, my friend. Our friend. 

Mission accomplished.

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