Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A blast from the past, and more! LotC Blog #5

Whaddup guys. I have a very, very special post for you guys today. If you have been around since Aegis, you might (of course) remember the epic battle between the antagonistic and protagonistic forces.

"Servants of Aegis, the protectors of the people, the divine envoys of Aeriel and her will."


"Destroyers of life, consumers of souls, the dark fists of Iblees."

These two factions battled it out for months on the plains of Aegis, hosting many battles to be spoken of and told. From the time when the Ascended and Undead conflict was at its strongest was when most old timers (like me) remember the golden days... The days that give me great nostalgia, and bring a tear to my eye to remember.

I know. It's sad.

Aaaanyways. The most prevalent members of the Ascended were the Sages; the highest in power and most wise of the Ascended they had in their sect. And, heading it all, was Master Sage Riizu (Ree - zoo. Don't pronounce it wrong). Riizu was a GM back in the days of Aegis, and I'm sure that a lot of you remember him.
Well, I was lucky enough to get in contact with Riizu through his YouTube channel, and he agreed to allow me to interview him. Keep in mind; the Ascended and the Undead haven't been around for two years. It brought back a lot of great memories talking to this dude, and I hope you enjoy what we have to say!

I hope that listening to that and hearing the words of an old time Aegisian might insight some of you new players what it was like back then.

You can check out Riizu's YouTube channel here (crimsonacid).

Also, here is an hour long video that introduces the Ascended. In case you're curious. 

In other news...

I know there has been a lot of drama lately. All I want to say is that it is events like these that reshape the server. Whether it is for the better or for the worse, that is truly up to us.

Screenshot of the Day

This comes from the meeting of Oren and the Dwarves to settle the conflict of war.

Due to multiple server crashes, an agreement was never really reached; such (I have heard) is being handled in private PMs amongst the nation leaders.


Lots of new thingamabobbers! Including...

Updated Tutorial and Guides forum!

It's been very lack-luster as of late, but now it's finally back and rolling!
Players can expect a bunch of new, updated guides to be pumped out from the team. From being a chef to correctly roleplaying an Orc, everything's there, or will be there. Check it out!

Player-wide survey results!

SparehoeCakes, one of the Guides on the server, prepared an extensive survey on the staff, how the server is being run, and all that jazz. Welp, the results are in, and I, frankly, find them very interesting. Let's take a look at the facts, shall we?

I actually find this really interesting. I didn't know how many of us Aegeans were left! Wow! Over 50% of the server has been here for almost two years or more.

According to my good buddy Jistuma, thats about $7600 in donations so far. Dang.

Oh, come on! Really?! The orcs only account for 4% of the population? Tsk tsk tsk. 
This really shows where the other races need more love. Come on guys.

You can read more of these charts and view the actual survey here. Thanks again to SparehoeCakes for making it!

And some other things to check out...


Why not have a little competition for my blog readers? 
Somewhere in this blog post, I have hidden a link. This link will give you a question, and if you are the first person to send the correct answer to me, you will receive:

• My narration of one of your forum posts (past or present post)
• Featured player on my next blog post (includes text interview)
• 200 minas

(1st place taken!)

The second person will get:

• My narration of one of your forum posts (past or present post)
• 100 minas

The third person will get:

• 50 minas
• A virtual cookie

Note: I'm going to be going off of those who send me the forum message for placement.

A hint: Your answer will be somewhere on the forums...

Good luck!

EDIT: 1st prize has been taken! I.e., it is possible to answer the question (assuming you can even find the link). 


Thanks for reading.

Go bust some boogies.

P.S.: Riizu.


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