Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Battle of the Bridges, Little Updates, and more! LotC Blog #2

Hello again, and welcome back to my second Lord of the Craft blog post! I have a lot of new updates and content for you guys, including today's battle (featuring interviews from both sides of the war), a little update on the professions plugin, and more! Go ahead; read if you dare!

The Battle of the Bridges
Today's battle, taking place at 5:00pm EST featuring the Dwarves and her allies against Oren and her allies, was quite a pivotal one, and sated the bloodlust that many players have had for a good battle! It took place on a pre-drawn map of borders, which sprawled from the Oren land of Kingston to the Dwarven fort of Storm's Crossing. 
Many players believe that the deciding factor for this battle was the presence of a bridge, barely within the borders of war, that was used by Oren's forces to get the upper hand over the dwarves.

These are the official war borders; and if you look closely below...

(Zoom in photo credit: Hunwald)

You can see the bridge is barely allowed within the corner of the border; and it was this bridge that allowed some of Oren's men to cross, and certainly led to the defeat of the Dwarves.

Fortunately, I had the pleasure of getting an interview with men from both sides. In this first interview, I asked xSpullerx a couple questions about the battle today. 

Now, for the human side of things. I interviewed Emenzi, Z3r05st4r/Godwein, Booklight12, Erul/Yakha/Alphonz, and Alexander -Grant- Galendar from the Chapter of the Lion about what the battle was like from Oren's side of things.
Ironically, Booklight12 was the human who killed me in the battle today.

We can only anticipate the awesomeness of the next battle which will most likely take place next week. Likely, the dwarves will be defending from Storm's Crossing; and many people say that the dwarves have never lost a battle where they were defending!

Useful links:

Some New Things for Professions

The professions plugin, scheduled to release in late July or early August of this year, will add many new features for the playerbase including pseudo-items, exp. bar features, and (of course) professions! You can view all of these features on the Lord of the Craft Dev. Blog.

However, there are some new features that weren't mentioned before. After talking with Telinir, he has confirmed some new updates that are being added to the plugin that aren't on the dev. blog.
These include:

• Armor slowing you down
• Random PvP events (such as tripping on a rock)

• Custom Mobs
• Racial Benefits

and more! Telinir said that he will reveal more as time goes along, but those are already some great new ideas to think about! Be sure to leave a comment on the blog if you have something to say about this new updates.
Otherwise, read the dev. blog to get your fix on the planned additions to the plugin, and even more plugins up-coming for future patches!

Media Corner

I thought I'd like to give you guys a little update on the Media Team's progress and as far as projects and work! And of course, some popular media going around on the Lord of the Craft right now.
First off, I have a little insight for you, straight from within the dark, dusty crevices of the Media team chat. We're working on a brand new, YouTube-based episodic series that should be coming out very soon! It will have voice-acted characters, high-quality filming on a copy of the Anthos map, and more details that we can't really reveal right now. Haha.
Speaking of YouTube, I have a lot of Let's Plays to show you guys! Here are some of the channels of avid LotC players who record their experiences:

And of course, the official Lord of the Craft YouTube Channel:

Lord of the Craft

(Photo Credit: Freya)

Personally, I've also been narrating my lore posts about Shamanism. You can listen to those here:

Part One
Part Two

Here's some more popular media links:
Horen's Reaction to War (Discretion: Language)
The Imperial Ball

Screenshot(s) of the Day

Today's screenshots come from the battle, and were taken by SparehoeCakes. Enjoy.

(The humans crossing the main bridge)

( :O Someone was in the water!)

(The dwarves retreat to their home city of Kal'Azgoth)


New Players: Remember that you can seek help from elder players in game by using the mentor plugin! Typing /mentor list will give you a list of attentive players who can help you out, teleport to you, or simply give you some company.

Here are some popular lore topics in the going:

Off-Topic Posts and Forum Roleplay!
Mutant FRP

That's it for today, guys! Thanks for reading, and go bust some boogers!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog, I enjoyed it. Also, thank you for featuring my channel in the blog.

    If possible, I would love to voice act in this upcoming series.
